George has a beautiful, sweet sense of humour, and a very smooth, charming personality. He is very sure of himself, though not arrogant, and will make you feel like the luckiest woman alive, when he turns his attention to you. His intense, expressive eyes will keep you riveted to your seat, and the warmth of his hand on your thigh will make you shiver.
Now while that all sounds rather clichèd, I can tell you that I was slightly affected myself when we first met, and I am not unaccustomed to dealing with smooth handsome men who want my attention! So it is with personal experience that I can assure you George will make your day - in fact, your week.
At 5'10" and mid 30's, his creative background makes him a very unique and interesting gentleman indeed. His writing career gives him eloquence and articulation, while his free-lance lifestyle gives him plenty of time to work on his lovely body. And all the schmoozing he is involved in socially has given him that smooth edge. He knows what to say and when to say it, and you're damn glad when he's saying it to you! Brilliant company, sensational lover.